IT's future is female

Let’s face facts. Women only represent 33% of personnel in the tech industry, and barely 25% of technical roles. While women make up half of consumers, tech’s workforce does not reflect this. Evidently, the need for skilled employees is immense. We notice it, our competitors notice it, the industry notices it. We need more women in tech if we want to strengthen the industry as a whole. And to get rid of the boys club image once and for all.

Let's get some things straight

Working in IT is not the age-old cliché it used to be. The days of endlessly pulling cables, dragging hefty equipment, and sweating in grubby basements are long gone. Nowadays, nearly everything tech-wise can be done remotely and in the cloud.
Modern-day IT work requires social skills and emotional intelligence to navigate between what the customer thinks is best and what you know is best. It can’t be further apart from being nerdy. It means attending meetings, conferences, parties, and basically every form of social gathering you can think of.
In days gone by, the only job for women in technology was connecting calls at the central telephone exchange. Everything else was considered a man’s job. Our culture has slowly but surely realized the foolishness to exclude more than half its people. Luckily, today, tech has no gender.

If you are interested in working in IT, do not hesitate to check out our job offerings. These are not empty words. We truly believe in bridging the gender gap.  That’s why you will be interviewed by (one of) the women at Netleaf. So, you can see and hear for yourself.


Jean, 1930
Ready to brave the clouds for 30 minutes

Heidi, 2022
In the cloud for 8 hours every day